Simple Rig Submission Guidelines

Required Reading

What I will accept:

Radios that are complete, have developed some problems, and are in need of general maintenance or restoration.   If it took a small lightning hit, or you accidentally loaded another rig into the receiver and cooked it, that is OK.  If it was overloaded, mistuned, and it smoked and sparked, that is OK - Just tell me everything you know about what happened.  I can usually fix those problems

What I won't accept:

Radios that have been modified or suffered unprofessional repair attempts - I never know what they have hacked into, and how many parts they've changed/rewired.   Parts radios that you bought for $25 at a Hamfest that are missing parts or assemblies, radios that have been used to repair other radios and now have all bad boards/parts installed, and radios with multiple major problems that you neglected to mention to me!  

I do not work on or convert Kenwoods to 11M "CB" radios.

Some Musings . . .

In the last couple of years, I've worked with many of you on your Kenwoods (several hundred and counting), either repairing them, helping you repair your own radio, or providing parts for you.  It has been a great experience, as Hams tend to be real gentlemen.   It is very rewarding to be a part of the preservation of these great rigs.

Once in awhile I open a shipping box and find something like in the picture above - I can't repair something like that in any reasonable period of time, nor would you appreciate the high labor cost!  

If your radio is really rough, missing parts, and you suspect it's been hacked on, please give me a call and let's discuss it first.  You can save shipping and handling costs by not needlessly sending it to me.   A general rule of thumb might be, "If 3 or more normal problem radios could be repaired in the time it would take for me to repair yours, it probably would make a nice Winter project radio for you, but not for me."

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If you have any questions, want full contact information, would like to inquire about a specific problem, or just have comments about this page,  please write to the email address shown below and I will respond promptly!  I look forward to doing business with you and preserving your vintage Kenwood prize!   Best Regards, Ken K4EAA.

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Please Note:  The above address is a GIF image, to foil spammer robots. 
You will have to type that address into your email client.  Thanks for your understanding, Ken

All Photos and content copyright 2005 - 2018 K4EAA, Ken Kemski.